I got some of them priced and put out in the showroom just in time for the Easter holidays. It is always rewarding to get them away from the grubby workshop and see them in a good space. But it was a bit hard when one, (the three fish below), went in the first morning - before we had time to get to know it. Lucky I took some shots the day they came out.

I had to open the showroom early last Saturday for some people who wanted to call in on their way home. I was pretty pleased when they decided to buy the second of the two freestanding upright wavy pieces. But oh dear, then came the faff. The credit card machine was ‘out of sync’ with the bank, so I had to ring the helpline. Aware that the poor souls were trying to get away early, I was most apologetic. I was eventually passed on to the card machine company, whose stony recorded voice informed me would cost of 10p per minute. By this time the pair had decided to drive to Dalbeattie 3 miles away to the cashline machine, leaving me fuming at a service for which we already pay an exhorbitant amount. What a palaver -I really prefer making to selling, if you know what I mean.

and a tiger. A visitor remarked that I had gone all long and rectangular - oh dear, is it that obvious?!

It's been a busy Easter weekend, and I am most encouraged by so many appreciative visitors. (Bit annoying though when I am TRYING to get a twitter vase made and keep having to stop for 'customers')!
For some strange reason, today I sold TWO sets of stacking pots. Unlike the coracle pot I have had them around for a quite a while now, but still I had a bit of an affection for them. They left a big gap in the showroom to fill with someting exciting though.