I'm rather pleased with these greetings cards, depicting images from my pots, which I've had made up.

They are really smart with envelopes and have a nice little detail on the back.

At one point this afternoon it felt like mission impossible to sort this lot out, but (nearly) everything is boxed up tonight, ready to take down to Potfest in the Park tomorrow.
Two more kilns come out tomorrow morning before I leave, so there might be a few more pieces to pack. Why on earth does time concertina like this?
Oh, and the boat sections survived the kiln, and are looking good, I think. Of course all I can see are the areas which could have been better, but I have barely had time to get to know it in its finished state. I'll get some images taken after Potfest. No time left today.

At least someone was enjoying the non stop kiln firings which seem to have coincided with a spell of proper hot sunny weather.

Somewhere in one of the many recent kiln firings I managed to finish this tile panel which was ordered ages ago. It is to go behind a range. All these creatures featured were specifically asked for, as was the border of hops. It is hard when the client has asked for something so specific, but it seems to be what was wanted. Hopefully when it is up I can take a proper in situ shot of it.

I never posted a picture of this one which I made earlier in the year as I was hoping to be able to take a photograph of it in place, but I'm not sure that it is up yet. It is difficult to get the feel of the thing standing on a ladder. Surely it will look better round the wood burning stove.

The design problem here was how to fit a heron onto a very tall narrow space. (Cut its tail off). The tiles for both these panels were extruded with ridges in the back, then dried very slowly between boards. I am pretty pleased with how flat they are, but it does mean they take a long time from start to finish.

The teachers plates were finished too, collected and presented. I used the same design as the earlier one as that is what they wanted but this time they are decorated using slips.
Phew, I seem to have at last cleared a backlog of troublesome commissions. Er, well, actually a few more seem to have crept in to the book when I wasn't looking. But for now I'm off to Potfest to enjoy some good company and who knows, I may even sell a few pots.