What an almighty clear out we've been having. Three car loads to the dump today and more to go. But hey, look what we've done. Goodbye lovely wooden floor, so wickedly abused by spillages of clay, slips and glazes. Since we were re-organising the workshop anyway, we have taken the plunge and bought some lino to put down. It always seemed a shame to cover up the knobbly floorboards, which have been worn away by many generations of school children's clogs.

What a job, moving everything into islands, while each roll was laid. There is one last wall still to go, but nearly there.

Oh the joy of this new space. So much of our workshop furniture was built in situ when we first moved here, and is now in the wrong place. Rodger unbolted the long bench from the wall and it is now on castors, flexibility is the new word.
The PLAN is to have the buckets under the benches at the edge, leaving the middle tables moveable. (Well, I said PLAN)!

I was getting a little agitated as to how long this was all taking, but I got back to my pots yesterday afternoon. The main table is in a totally different place, and it really felt like the space was working for me rather than against me. I mean instead of having to walk ROUND things to get to the sink there is now a direct route!

And it has to be said that the boring easy wipe floor is a dream.