This years Spring Fling saw what was a record number of visitors to our studio over the three days.
It started early this year with a Friday evening opening which was a lovely low key affair with mainly friends, wine and good chat. What it did mean was that we were very much more relaxed on the Saturday morning having already got the place ready and having had a 'dry run'.
It was a pleasure to have Wendy Kershaw come down and share the studio again this year. It added a visual feast for the visitors plus it was so much fun for us to have her. Mind you, even with three of us manning the pumps it was hard to find time to grab a snack. I wish I had found time to take more photos, I just kept forgetting where the camera was.
On Sunday we were joined by the Dumfries African drumming group Africadabra who played outside in the sunshine and enjoyed themselves so much they stayed all afternoon, all adding to the general feeling of quite a 'Happening on the Corner'.

This year we added some extra display boards in the back shed for my long dishes. It worked well with yet more for folk to discover.
I had fun filling the garden with my ceramic pieces such as 'Toys for Boys' who looked happy following Terracotta Tours along the bus route.
It took most of Tuesday to put the workshop back to rights but this afternoon I got back to some mugs which I threw last week. Quiet and calm slowly descends once again on Barnbarroch.
Thank you to all those who called in, it was lovely seeing you and we really appreciate your interest and encouragement.