Saturday 18 May 2013

Dogs, Cats and Bubble Wrap

So here we are - a week to go before ‘Spring Fling’ open studio event. How did this happen, where did the time go?

I have been rather focused on getting some pieces finished and off to the Bowie Gallery in Hay on Wye, They have a marquee at the Hay on Wye festival  starting next weekend. I knew at the time that the two events would be uncomfortably close, but back in the Autumn it sounded just a case of efficient forward planning. I didn't anticipate a winter of making time lost to health issues.

Last weekend was spent unpacking the kiln on Saturday and packing up the pots to send on Sunday. How much bubble wrap do you use? What about the environmental issues and what was wrong with straw? You don’t get straw on a handy roll for a start, but it makes me a little uncomfortable all the same.

  I make make sure that I can’t feel any hard bits of pot through the footballs of bubble wrap and probably go a little over the top with it. But when I see the boxes (covered in ‘fragile tape’ being thrown into the back of the delivery van I realise that my only insurance is bubble wrap).

This week I have been trying to get a flotilla of boats finished. My image in the Spring Fling brochure is of a couple of these and I turned round to find that I actually only had one left. They MIGHT get finished in time if they dry out, but that depends on the weather and there is a lot of water around today!

These are some of them with the first few coats of colour sprayed.The spray gun went on strike and it turned out that the nozzle had been almost totally worn away by the abrasive slip. The gun has been playing up for some time but I kept just thinking it was my slip sieving to blame. It was driving me bats.  Oh the joy of a new replacement.

 'Ethel' is responsible for this one.

Ethel is Oskar and Rachael's Italian greyhound, infinitely drawable.


 In fact all my dogs are all have Ethel noses these days.


The details as in eyes and skin colours were finished yesterday. Now drying out with extremities wrapped in cling film for a while longer.

 Otherwise the focus has been Spring Clean for Spring Fling. Rodger has been painting outside when ever it has been dry, hedge cutting and grass cutting and the place is already looking much smarter.

Today it is has been clear the workshop up time. And look who's helping...

This year I have a ‘Springback’ sharing the workshop with me. Ceramicist Wendy Kershaw makes beautifully fine ceramic illustrative pieces. She will be showing her work and demonstrating over the weekend. Her work is very special and I think it will go well with my own. I am looking forward to a very different kind of event with double interest for visitors. Right now we still have to work out how best to share the space but the BIG TIDY up is underway and I am sure it will all suddenly slot into place.

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