Here is the 'Black Hole' seat, the piece I made for Potfest in the Park this year.
There were some wonderful pieces of ceramics on the 'Out of this World' theme this year and I am afraid that I was woefully useless at taking photos of them, but it will be well worth having a look when Chris Cox puts the images up on the Potfest in the Park website.
At least I saw her hard at work with the camera.
Most of the weekend was VERY hot and very sunny.

There were a few moments when it was rather wet!
There were some 'Ahhh' times.
It is always lovely to meet up with with old friends. Sue and Tim here - Sue was at Corsham (Bath Academy of Art) with me.
Also at Corsham was Anna Lambert, who was a few years after me.
Eddie Curtis, was in the year above me.
Alan Foxley, was possibly a decade before me when the College was a specialist art teacher training establishment. Now there is a dream for today!
Potfest in the Park is a such great show. After all the hard work, it is inspiring and rejuvenating to be lifted up by all you lovely potters. Thanks you for your company, and of course to all those who make the trip to see the show. But most of all thanks to Geoff, Chris and Matthew Cox for all your hard work organising us all.
And thanks also to my special and supportive neighbours, this year I was lucky enough to again be next to Scottish potter Wendy Kershaw.
and Andrew Priestman, with his calm and quietly contemplative wood fired stoneware. The perfect antidote to the busyness of my own stand!