Saturday 21 May 2016

Mega making - the run up to Spring Fling

The beast of an extruding machine saw some action recently with the birth of a new dish die. Although I had made this die sevaral weeks ago I have only now had a chance to try it out.

First impression was: I wanted a big dish die, and well, it is BIG!

Maybe too big in fact, this one would need a rather long kiln. Of course the intention was to cut it into sections, but even so it is quite wide, so proportionally even after cutting they are still turning out pretty large.

 We had a fair bit of splitting at first, this got better after I stiffened up the clay. (Cutting, drying and re -wedging and all that potter's faff).

The edges were a bit raggedy but a bit of chamois leather sorts that out. I knew that I had pushed the die size to the limit of what an extruder could be expected to manage so it is pretty miraculous that the clay actually managed to find the edge at all.

I wasn't sure how tucking the edges up was going to work, but after a couple the best method became obvious.

The addition of edges and handles finishes them off. 

Some have an initial slip ground and will have a further design added at the glaze stage. Others I slip decorated, my friend the tiger had to go in one, here slipped and drying out.

As is this bee dish.

The big kiln has been packed with bisc and is pretty FULL, a lot to be glazed before SPRING FLING open studio event next weekend.


The extruded frame pictures and RAH dishes are being glazed while it cools down, so it's back to back firings from now to next weekend. Whether everything will be finished or not, there will be lots to see and talk about so do come along and see us.

I am sharing the studio again with Wendy Kershaw so it's going to be exciting to see her new work. 

We have a 'Preview' Late night opening on Friday 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Do please join us for a drink and informal chat or at any time over the next few days for coffee and flapjack.