Friday 10 October 2008

I haven't mentioned the other bit of new equipment this year - the old dish washer died and subsequently made a perfect spray booth - the stainless steel body being put to good use by Rodger. The drainage hole in the base was just the right size to recess a banding wheel. We were concerned that the extractor motor was so powerful it might just suck the slip straight out of the window and bypass the pot altogether, but it seems to work fine.


  1. What a novel idea! Hi, Christine. I found your blog via Hannah's and am enjoying reading it. I love the animal pieces you show on your website. (And that feline visitor looks like good company!)

  2. Hi Christine, I too came via Hannah's blog. I had been to your website before but I am glad to see you are blogging. The extruded pieces are amazing. Very well done. I'll be back often and will add you to my bloglist.
    Ron in NC. US.

  3. Brilliant! Love the idea and just sent on to hubby- we are trying to figure out where to put in a spray booth and not spend a lot of money doing it.
