Today I decorated a batch of extruded dishes. I 've used three designs in various forms- shrimps, doves and cabbages and fox and foxgloves. I'll finish the scraffito detail tomorrow as well as the trailed lines whi ch I am finding easier to execute in a fine and fast manner when the body is a bit drier.

The seven ages of slip trailer, in other words all the types I have tried, From left to right, a) huge and clumpy, b) tendon straining hard, c) the bicycle inner tube - good but messy to fill, d) the glass nozzel, didn't work at all, e) definitely getting better, f) the first German one, recommended by Mathieu van der Giessen - nice fine lines and pretty soft too g) the WINNER ,with oh such a fine range of nozzels, is the German 'Malhorn set fur engobe'.

What a job, I cleaned out ALL my slip trailers. I keep them filled and in the damp cupboard to stop them clogging up, but I had abandoned several colours last year and never got round to emptying them. Nothing like a clean slate.

SNOW today!
hey christine, i use the glass ones just break a bit off the end to get the size i need and an ear seringe as the squeezy bit with the end cut off much cheaper than the real deal...great to see your stash though! good looking plates too...