There is something odd about parting with a piece too quickly. It still seems too attached and not ready to leave - I haven't really absorbed how I feel about it.
Well, I hardly had time to think about this one. It only came out of the kiln on Monday and I hung it in the showroom as much so that I could look at it in a decent setting. The ripple and the poured slip all seemed to add to the confusion of the Canoeist in Rapids. I was rather shocked to sell it today - pleased of course, but it was all I could do to grab my camera to record it.

A very nice happening. I had lost one of these fish earrings that Rodger had given to me, and I wrote to Eileen Gatt,
www.eileengatt.co.uk the jeweller who made them, to ask if she could possibly replace it if she ever had a minute. It turned out that she was on the panel of the Scotttish Arts Council when they decided to grant me the award last year, and then, she didn't even want a payment for her trouble. Well, I have parcelled up a pot to send to her tomorrow as a thank you, but I was thinking about what kind and generous people craftspersons are!